If your roommate is dependent and needy, you could then go to your roommate and say, "You are an oral person.
and I live with this very nice girl, my roommate who writes plays for a living and works at a theater.
You know, I mean right now it's me and whoever it was and me and my roommate Dustin and just come sitting there work serially on a new project and then finishing it and then planning how on doing the next project.
If your roommate comes in and starts trying to tell you facts about the human digestive system, " you say, "Not now."
So stand up if you're here and if you're that person's roommate if they're not here.
Well, you have a roommate and your roommate you could evaluate on "The Big Five."
But also to ask the questions: what does my roommate believe?-Right.
I pay $675 a month and my roommate pays the same thing. So together, it's $1,350 a month,
You then go to dinner, you come back and you realize that your roommate has now vested you by five seconds and three hours later you've inched ahead again ; so it's a wonderfully motivational tool; and speaks to just how addictive frankly this stuff was and that too for me.
And everyday when you come home from work your roommate is sitting on the couch eating potato chips.
So, you say to your roommate because you want the house to be clean and things to change.
Or you can see flyers around on campus like roommate wanted, that kind of stuff, so yeah.
My other roommate is named Cooper Lewis, who is actually going to play Hamlet in that production.
Could you tell us about some of the good and bad things about living with a roommate?
My roommate for many years was going to medical school as I was going to graduate school, and we found we had so many interesting conversations about chemistry -- her from the context of practicing and using medications and talking about how they worked on a molecular level, and me talking about my research.
So my first roommate here was actually Korean.
That's all that the roommate has ever done every moment that she has been in your presence.
He's going to act in it. And my other roommate is named Christine Kwon.
You're about to drink a milkshake, and your roommate comes rushing in and says, "I've got the lab report.
So she was roommate, was my classmate from high school.
I had a roommate once who would leave her food out forever
And your roommate says, "Inside the envelope are facts about this milkshake that if--I promise you it is indeed the case-- if you knew these facts, " you would not drink the milkshake anymore."
Let's pretend that you live with a roommate.
And your roommate would be very pleased.
Well, you want to talk to your roommate about this
Right now I want to go out with Peggy Sue, but if I knew these true--It's not that you think, oh your roommate has made it up, that these are lies; these are slander.