It's like another form of compensation and that compensation might have different attractiveness, so they give the person a package--both a salary and some shares.
but it's not like Law or working in the financial world where you’re gonna get a good salary, so.
They're the ones--there are other people who have contracts with the company, like the employees, but the employees are not shareholders; they are receiving salary or something else.
And our engineers constantly hear from other friends working for other Internet companies in Beijing--they living the most flashiest office spaces in Beijing and their salary is raised three times a year.
Particularly the black churches have got great, great musicians working on a salary basis for the church.
People either rented the land from a large landowner or they were hired help who got nothing except a salary or a piece of what they did.
So if I can get a better job with higher salary that would help out a lot.
And you want to promote every one of your managers with a higher salary.
because, first of all, the salary is not very... high.
They can pay the CEO a salary or they can give shares to the CEO-- that's quite standard because they feel that that makes the CEO a shareholder.
And I really don't think my salary is going to be able to support us.