So which of these things do you think is worse for your health: Trans fat or saturated fat?
It's more like "heavy" or "saturated," and there's again pigs running around.
Trans fats and saturated fat are also labeled on here and those are very helpful things.
In any case, the question of value and valuation is an important one in Comus, and it's important in part because the rhetoric of the mask is saturated in the economic, the commercial, and the financial imagery that we were looking at in the last lecture.
The bad fats look like this, and those are the saturated fats and the Trans fats.
But you're right, Trans fat is not good for you and its worse then saturated fat.
And so if they switch it for saturated fat there is an advantage.
First you've got the mono and saturated oil that we discussed before.
You hear a lot about saturated fat, about polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat.
And how many would say saturated fat is worse?
In any event, the saturated fats that are in these kinds of foods tend to be in the things that you associate with fatty foods like high fat meat, whole milk, etc., have a bad impact.
Fat is not all that much different, but one thing that's happened is the type of fat has changed a lot, and so people are eating less fat from plant sources and more fat from animals sources That's where the saturated fat comes in and high saturated fat intake is not a good thing.