You have to be comfy on camera but this is your first chance to say hello to mom and dad on camera.
I stepped away for only 15 minutes to say hello to everyone.
Her name is pronounced Cansu so she will appreciate your keeping that in mind when you say hello to her in person, Cansu being our head TF.
I have to go say hello to her.
So we'll say hello to you later, if need be.
So if you haven't already, just glance at the person next to you, or say hello if you don't know them.
There's a whole bunch of blocks that we'll look at in more fun detail on Friday but I'm going to pick the easiest one here and I'm going to type Hello CS50 in this string, "Hello CS50", zooming in say how nice the puzzle pieces are nicely interlocked?
It's going to say hello and I can change this here.
So it turns out a really nice shortcut on most systems, oops, is to say if you have a file called hello.c and you wanna turn it into a program called hello, well, make hello just write in the command makeHello and it will do all of that for you automatically and hand you a program called hello.