And so when we say something is exponential, we're talking about in terms of the number of bits required to represent it.
I wouldn't say so, no.
So, we say, say something.
Okay? So when you say that what you're doing is scientific in a context of this sort, you are making yourself vulnerable.
It was a classical model, right, so we could say the electron is exactly this far away from the nucleus.
So we would say the real interest rate equals the nominal rate-- approximately equals--the nominal rate minus the inflation rate.
And so if you say de Broglie's name to many physicists, the tagline they associate with de Broglie is "matter waves" as distinct from light waves.
So if you say, "Can you summerize for me in a few words the main ideas?"
.. Yes. By Locke's definition, you can say... So maybe by Locke's definition, the Native Americans could have claimed a property right in the land itself.
And even if we accept the valuable container theory, and so we say, " "Hah, you know, being alive per se is worth something as well."
There is no writing in Greece from let us say 1100 or so on until the middle of the eighth century B.C., rough date 750 and then the writing that they do have is completely unrelated to the writing that was lost.
You could take the food guide pyramid and make it the reverse of what it should be and you still end up with something that people really wouldn't see very much, kids don't learn about very much, it doesn't really affect many people, so you could say that it doesn't really matter.
So, you say to your roommate because you want the house to be clean and things to change.
But so when I say "family"-- we try to avoid even talking about "the Roman family," because it means something so different to them than what it means to us.
How much energy are you going to get out, and how far are you going to be able to drive a car with this expansion, let's say, so that's the problem.
So we could say this is the root, maybe this is the third and that's the fifth.