Wow, OK, maybe not so wow, but this is now constant. This is constant time access. So I can do searching in constant time which is great.
Let's say you've lost your keys and you're searching throughout your house.
When you are searching a list to see whether it has an element, you don't randomly probe the list, hoping to find whether or not it's there.
Much of the work that pharmaceutical companies do in terms of searching for drugs is searching for new ligands that activate receptors and create biological responses inside cells.
So, how many distinct, so again, we're talking about distinct kinetic energies, a spectrum for the element hafnium, 72 and I'll tell you here that it has a z of 72, so you don't have to spend two minutes searching your periodic table.
And you've been searching for an hour. You can't find them.
That's why we'll do some research or study research as well as do some search-- searching inside us.
The adoption of this way of thinking was the beginning of the liberation and enthronement of reason to whose searching examination, the Greeks thereafter, exposed everything they perceived natural, human, and divine.
And just as in that earlier poem the act of fishing is symbolically resonant "The Fisherman" is an image of man searching the depths of the world for the wisdom that hides beneath the surface of things.
And that's like kind of hoping that the element you're searching for is the first in the list and the last in the list. Maybe.
Algorithms for searching. Debugging is simply a search process.
You're searching three or four things, but nonetheless, you have to do that trade off.
At each stage, no matter which branch, here or here, I take, I'm cutting down the length of the list that I'm searching in half. All right?
If we can sort things, you know, we get this n log n behavior, and we got a n log n behavior overall. But can we actually do better in terms of searching.
If you were searching for unique populations of cells within the bone marrow what tools would you use to look for them?
So, as the gentleman back there said, if I'm searching it once, just use the linear search.