It's much more relevant to set our zero point energy as the separation of a bond in terms of talking about the reactions that we'll usually be dealing with here.
And when that becomes relevant in a problem set, we'll point you at the appropriate documentation.
It's almost as if the entire point of a pastoral is that it is set in a world that neither the urbane poet nor the urbane reader has actually any real experience with.
And when I do this test, what I want to do, is say I'm going to pick the middle spot, and depending on the test, if I know it's in the upper half, I'm going to set my start at the mid point and the end stays the same, if it's in the front half I'm going to keep the front the same and I'm going to change the endpoint.
pV So there is an arbitrary set point that needs to be defined, right? Because what you actually measure in the lab are changes in enthalpy, just like what you measure when you look at energy change of some sort, you measure the change in energy, right.
We've got some chords set out and we're going to-- we've got some chords set out here and we're in the key of C at this point, and we're going to hear Beethoven go to a tonic chord, then a sub-dominant chord, then a tonic chord, then a dominant chord and so on.
He returns us to the lowly perspective that Galileo had when he set up his telescope in that other valley, Valdarno, and it's this lowly vantage point that's beautiful in part because it's a fallen perspective, not in spite of the fact that it's a fallen perspective.