Because this is a theological conjecture, I think we're shocked by what is almost the heretical daring of what this brother has just said.
The Elder Brother is issuing this theory without any consideration, - obviously, whatsoever of earthly reality and we're shocked by -- I don't know how else to put it.
This isn't big Oh as in oh my God I'm shocked the markets are collapsing, This is called big Oh omicron because we use the Greek letter, capital letter, omicron to represent it.
The learner protests as he's being shocked more and more but the experimenter continues to request obedience.
And I think it shocked me when I was in that room was that there were all kinds of adults setting there around the table talking about young people, the relationship to technology the relationship to culture the relationship to schooling and to each other.
Ivan Ilyich The astonishing thing is that Ivan Ilyich is shocked to discover that he's mortal.
Because they said the experiment must go on, very often, people went-- most people, Americans went on and shocked that person, even to the point of the other person whimpering and begging to be let out, simply because of the word, " "the experiment must go on".
Now, we get to draw some lessons out of this thing, so everybody who's feeling a little bit shell shocked from having been doing algebra and calculus and drawing pictures and feeling like they've been cheated into taking a class that looks far too much like economics, calm down we're going to actually talk right now.
Well, we should be shocked, and I think beyond that we have every right to feel a little bit betrayed, because Milton quite simply has -- and he's doing this deliberately -he has just violated an important law.
There are some things pigs actually automatically don't like, like being hit or shocked.
They don't know--They think that they're teaching somebody in a memory game but actually the person who is being shocked is a confederate who is trained to react in certain ways as he's being increasingly shocked.
I think it's safe to say that we're intended to be shocked, ; maybe even repulsed, by this remarkable description of the deity; and so I'm hoping you feel something of a shock of these lines, "and mad'st it pregnant." Milton is taking a huge aesthetic risk here.