As we might put it somewhat misleadingly, what is it for "two" people to really be the same single extended-through-time person?
to the... -Em... I'm not aware of any sort of...arguments with the say that it's a single economic zone.
So, for example, down here I wrote that it was n 2 and that it was h 2, but when I re-wrote the molecules up here, you saw that it's an h h single bond where it's a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond.
This single book helped me understand myself better as well as other people better-- whether it's politically, whether it's psychologically, whether it's philosophically.
They might be a couple of inches, or most footers so-- and so no single fiber stretches all the way across the room.
Well you know what a point is, it's got an x- and a y- coordinate, it's natural to think about those two things as belonging as a single entity.
Right now the total value of single-family homes in the United States is about twenty trillion dollars and the market has been becoming increasingly speculative.
During development of the embryo it goes from being a single cell, the fertilized egg, to being a multi-cellular organism with billions of cells in it.
Next we will deal with what's the--arguably-- the single most important thing when we listen to any piece of music and that is its musical form.
This was a very--a single experiment done within the United States, but the idea is appealing, that people are connected to one another via chains of people.
So hopefully there is indeed a way to fix this, but it looks as though the division operator, the single slash is division but -- and here's a curiosity about many programming languages -- because 17 is an integer and because 13 is an integer, why do I say that?
There has never been a regime in history that was so single-mindedly devoted to the end of producing that rarest and most difficult species of humanity called simply philosopher.
This happens in every single episode, so much so that if any of you actually - I mean this might actually be true at Yale-- but if you any of you or the TV guys: if any of you know the guy who writes the plots for this, have him come to the class and get him see the video now and we get some better plot lines in there.
There is no way that you could irradiate a crystal of nickel with a single beam of x-rays and get that circular ring pattern if the electron beam were behaving as a particle beam only.
There is one exception. In the sixth century, I think it's around--imagine around 550 or something like that, the Greeks settle a single colony in the Delta of the Nile of Egypt at a place called Naucratis, and the root of that word is ship.
So, if we talked about a nitrogen-nitrogen single versus double versus triple bond, the triple bond will be the shortest and it will be the strongest.