For about six months Wallace Turnage worked in Hector Davis's slave auction house helping organize the auctions every day.
and it's usually very difficult to get accommodation unless you book like six months in advance.
We can evaluate the next year or the next six months or, for that matter, just this evening.
You're given coupon payments every six months and then, when the bond matures,you get your money back.
We cannot just run out of money six months later."
It would takes six months to find the right person.
And he went back to see them three months later, six months later.
If you have that sort of high-level, this is where we're going, this is the vision, this is the next 30 days and three months and six months and a year maybe, it makes it very, very easy to set priorities and for all of the edges of the company to set their own priorities to do the right thing.
It's the one where you have to get three shots over a period of six months, and so you have to remember to go back, you get a first ba--you get a first shot, you have to remember to go back after a month and get a second shot, you have to go back after six months and get a third shot.
and which of course I understand, like in Massachusetts, six months of the year,
About six months later he bumps into Cambini.
I haven't talked to him in about six months
So, he goes to Cambridge, and he spends six months with Thompson.
I think for the past three months, I've only had five or six hours of sleep at night.
and they last me, six or seven months.
We call them consols because, in the early 1700s, the British Government issued what they called consols or consolidated debt of the British Crown that paid a certain amount of pound sterling every six months forever.