Consider the position of the Israelites in the sixth century, the time of the final editing of the Deuteronomistic history.
That's the average of all of your weekly quizzes in the recitation. Each of those three monthly tests gives also a sixth.
The image of a poet interrupted and chided by the god of poetry comes straight out of the opening of Virgil's Sixth Eclogue.
You've been getting the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth implementation of a good idea funded.
So when it comes to dating the sources, certainly I would say all scholars agree that the Priestly materials reach their final form in the exile or post-exilic period. So that is the sixth century, right?
In the sixth section, down below, he speaks of "man's blood-sodden heart."
There wasn't one organizing yet around New Haven or nearby in Connecticut so he went to New York and he joined the Sixth New York Cavalry.
Muslims in India...Muslims, 1/6 one sixth of the poplulation in India are Muslims.
Athens doesn't send out a colony until sometime in the sixth century.
So we're talking about the third,fourth and fifth,sixth centuries.
The oboe may have the seventh partial very strong and the third partial very strong whereas the trumpet-- I'm just making all of this up of course-- the trumpet may have the second partial and the fourth partial and the sixth partial.
So, you can understand they really felt quite confident at this time that we could explain everything that was going on and in fact, a really telling quote from the time was said by a professor at the University of Chicago, and what he said is, "Our future discoveries must be looked for in the sixth decimal place."
In the forty-sixth chapter of Leviathan, a chapter we will read later, Hobbes wrote, "I believe that scarce anything can be more repugnant to government than much of what Aristotle has said in his Politics, " nor more ignorantly than a great part of his Ethics."
That's not literally true. I'm going to squeeze it a bit, I'm going to curve it a bit, so actually slightly fewer than a sixth will get straight A's, and fewer than a sixth will get C's and below.
When I was working in a place called Tulle, which is down here--t-u-l-l-e, not Tours, but Tulle-- I knew vaguely that there had been a massacre there in June sixth, 1944, and a lot of people had been hung.
London, already by the late sixteenth century, one-sixth of all the people, I think this is E.A. Wrigley who pointed this out a long time ago--one-sixth of all the people in England went to London frequently, because London was absolutely gigantic as a city.