I have the skeletal structure written up there, I've written it twice and you'll see why in a minute.
So, if we use those two tips to try to figure out a structure, a skeletal structure, we would get this structure here if we write out the full Lewis structure.
We have other ways of protecting; many of our cells are inside our body protected by specialized cells of our skeletal system.
So in terms of the first step of skeletal structure, this is actually going to be easier because we don't have a central atom, we just have carbon and nitrogen here.
So, how do we figure out first how to draw the skeletal structure of this molecule here?
So that's a good start for us putting together a skeletal structure for this compound here.
It's easy to write the skeletal structure, because it's all oxygen, we don't have to worry about what's going to go in the middle.
the first step in any Lewis structure is drawing the skeletal structure.