We've introduced a whole new platform for writing Smart applications in the internet, a new version of Windows that we call, "Windows Azure."
Do you have any ideas for making a smart phone application program?
We hired people who we thought were really smart and for also last year we were just a few guys working around my kitchen and that was pretty fun.
Computers smart though they may be and intimidating though they may be, they cannot yet think for themselves.
Because for the first time, you're being taught by people who are smart as you are.
Now, all of this would be fine if your unconscious was a reasonable, rational computer, if your unconscious was really smart and looking out for your best interest.
A managed portfolio, you find somebody you think is really smart and you pay them a fair amount of money and in return they assert that they will pick winners for you, and in fact, you will outperform the stock market.
So what I would take the most credit for as Chief of Staff is having helped bring in very good, energic, smart, talented people into the White House, into the boarder administration to assist the president on dealing with the biggest problems of the day.