So as you can see, as we escalate the problem difficulty, the difference between the good method and the not quite as good method gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
because as you can see the leaves are turning and so.
So you can see right away the students knew that they will be selected as a very honor to the pool.
So again you can see as we're filling up our molecular orbitals, we're using the exact same principle we used to fill up atomic orbitals.
So here's what we find, and as you can see there -is this bass rhythm moving slowly or quickly?
So, thermo is also a big tease, as you can see from my descriptions of these laws here.
And so over the course of the century, you can see a gradual -- as if something like this could actually be charted.
So finite number of times can you specify with a condition, as we'll see in a moment.
I want to abstract that. And the abstraction you see, right here. I'm going to highlight it for a second so you can see it. I want you to look at it on the handout as well.
So, you can see, it's much easier to describe that as one term, r here, instead of using both y and z.
Usually with just two, maybe three characters, a character that you can't really see as well on the screen, otherwise, so a new line character.
Here is the pitch in--of--a string an octave higher so you can see it this way. As you probably know, if you take a long string and pluck it, it's going to take that long string a long time to pass that sort of cycle, if you will, just one pass through that cycle.
这也是个音高,一个高八度的音弦,你可以这样这样看 你们可能知道,如果你拨动长弦,长弦要经过很长时间,才能完成一个震动周期,如果你想,可以尝试下
So you can see, and this is an important thing we look at, is that as we look at growth, it didn't look like it mattered a lot with 6.