All right. The other thing I have to teach you is matter-energy interaction so that we can see how the Balmer series validates the Bohr model.
You can see that the dash distribution I drew has more out in the tails, so we call it fat-tailed.
But I can't see that little box, so what I'm going to do is i'm going to redraw that little box.
So, if we think about the bonds that are forming -- oh I see our TAs are here, so you can start handing them out, because we have two minutes left to go.
OK? So you can see that, it's just walking through it, and in fact if I look at a couple of another-- another couple of examples, it's been a long day, again, you can see that property.
Why do I believe in the existence of atoms so small that I can't see them?
Okay. So that's the basic distinction and, as I say, as far as I can see it's irreconcilable so it leaves us with a choice that really does have to be made, and it's a choice which looms over a course in literary theory and coming to understand the tradition of literary theory.
So I think that's enough, you can follow along with the syllabus and see sort of what the topics are each week, what the reading assignment is to do before the lecture in order to get the most out of the lecture.
Now I was going to put that text up on the board and, to be honest with you, I forgot to do that, so I'm going to have to see if I can remember this text: We're going to focus now on two sections of this work: the "Confutatis" And the "Lacrimosa dies illa."
I need to make it so you can still see that, so I'm going to pull down these boards.
So what I want to point out about them is that they're made up of two nodes, and what you can see is that nodes are shown in different colors here and those are different phases.
Palindrome 1 I'm going to give it a little indentation so that we can see this. OK.
Thank you. Nice catch too by the way. All right, so now that you can see that I can screw up programming, which I just did.
So, what I'm showing in this picture here is just an electron cloud that you can see.
Show it to your neighbor. Let's have a show of hands, again I want you to keep your hands up so that Jude can see it now.
So look, why am I justified in believing in germs, various kinds of viruses that I can't see, or bacteria or what have you, that I can't see?
So things are not... I haven't given you the numbers for the middle but... So you can see that whoever it was who said, you're slightly better off, you score with slightly higher probabilities when you kick to your natural side is exactly right.
Meaning, I'm just going to write a little loop that does that. All right, so let's go back to our code. That's right, let me pull this over a little bit, so I can see it. And what I'd like you to look at, I'm going to highlight it just for a second here, is those two pieces of code.
And the nucleus name was used as an analogy to the nucleus of a cell so in some ways that makes it easier to see the connection but I think it can also be a little bit confusing for maybe 7th graders that are learning both at the same time, that this nucleus acts very different from a nucleus in a cell, although, of course, there many of them in the nucleus of a cell.
So Rituparna tries to prove to him his abilities and he says, see that tree there, I can estimate how many leaves there are on that tree by counting leaves on one branch.
So I'm going to check to see if- really can't read that thing, let me do it this way-- right, I'm going to increase the number of compares, and I'm going to check to say, is the thing I'm looking for at the i'th spot in the list?
So what actually turns out the reality is that h e 2 does exist, but it exists as the weakest chemical bond known, and it wasn't, in fact, even found to exist until 1993, so I can assure you this is not a bond that you see very often in nature, and it is a very, very weak bond.
We can put a list in the list again, as we've seen before. So let's put the list containing the string a, and I'll print out so now we see something pretty interesting about a list, that we can mix up all sorts of things in it, and that's OK.