These are primal forms of play, if you like, ; that suggest forms of poetic activity; also, spiritual activity.
It's very spiritual, it's very cleansing, and you get exercise.
I think religions would say that all people have a spiritual equality or maybe only the certain members, only all members of their religious community.
And finally, it might be hard to mesh the mechanistic notion of the mind with the idea that people have spiritual value.
To understand the concerns of Milton's poetry, it is important to understand this massive conjunction of economic and spiritual thought that's really at the heart of English Protestantism.
Eliot's speaking of a spiritual and imaginative state.
It's something very special about Manuel of this highly spiritual kind of violin play which is absolutely accurate and technically superb And yet it's him, it's like hearing someone's voice.
So through this sexual experience Enkidu has become wise growing in mental and spiritual stature and he is said to have become like a god.
If we want to know the possibilities for spiritual growth, value growth or moral development in human being, then I maintain that we can learn most by studying our most moral,ethical,or saintly people.
I guess it's a spiritual, right? Beautiful.
Man can't live without the polis,justice exists only in the polis, the polis is something more than a place, it's more than the walls,it's more than the ships, it is some kind of a thing that is spiritual it seems to me.
You get the idea that everything arises from the extraordinary mental acuity or spiritual insight of an author and that what needs to be understood about literature is the genius of its production.
But there's a part of us, perhaps the essential part of us, that is something more than the physical, the spiritual, immaterial part of us, which as I say in this class we'll call a soul.
Yeah, it's a spiritual thing, almost.
And I think if you are outside, whether you are walking or sitting, paying attention as a spiritual practice is really not only seeing, but having all of your senses engaged in what's going on is important.
You really deal with health, people's mental and spiritual health, you can see a correlation here, can't you?