Both of these are mischievous, oppositional magazines but with very different styles and attitudes.
and then I went to college and studied completely different styles of theater.
So what we will be doing is differentiating pop from classical and also differentiating within styles of classical music.
It's not always how fast you throw the fastball, sometimes it's your different styles or the different ways that you decide when to throw what.
So what we have in the first few chapters of Genesis are two creation stories that have distinctive styles, distinctive themes, distinctive vocabularies and they're placed side by side.
But definitely, you know, they all have their own unique styles, so.
The Greeks are in touch with them again and they borrow styles, copy styles, maybe in the early day they used some of the craftsmen from out there or maybe their own craftsmen picked it up.
And it can be all different styles from people like, playing...
Many different leadership styles work.
There are actually all different kinds of styles.
And people are open to different styles, so.
In Genesis 6 through 9 we seem to have two flood stories with distinctive styles, and themes, and vocabularies, and substantive details, but they're interwoven instead of being placed side by side.
One of the things that's interesting about that is you can see pottery styles that you can hardly tell whether they came from one end of the Mediterranean or another, if they're of the Mycenaean variety, because it was a single culture.
These would be the very earliest kinds of pots that have geometric designs on them, then comes the geometric period and the orientalizing period; all of these refer to pottery styles.