Roman doctrine, of course, had prized the state of celibacy, insisting that it was the superior state over marriage.
So,composition alone can't give you the answer to the question why is the plywood superior to the solid pine board?
What is so different? What's different about having one God, from having a pantheon of gods headed by a superior god?
Each of these figures, in many ways, prefigure the relatively superior natures of those who come later in the dialogue.
For both John of the book of Revelation and for John Milton, it's the superior male of the species that's been singled out for the glorious practice of sexual abstinence.
I mean,there's no way that you can expect somebody quarter in and quarter out or month in and month out to produce superior returns.
There is somebody in that world called a basileus, who is a single individual who is understood to be superior in some way to everybody else.
There are disagreements even among Puritans about which state, virginity or married chastity, is the superior one in the eyes of God.
So platina is like a diminutive of silver, but we now know that platinum is far superior to silver It is far more noble. It has a higher melting point, a higher chemical inertness, a fantastic metal.
We want people who are maniacally focused on beating the markets, generating superior investment returns.
Which one has the superior mechanical properties? The plywood. Why?
Again, each of them seems to represent, in a superior way, the key components of the human soul, the appetitive, the war-like or spirited, and the rational.
It's been said that to quote anybody is necessarily to misrepresent him, and this fact is obviously a very good thing for Lady Mary Chudleigh since Milton would certainly not himself have wanted to suggest that women are superior to men.
The best regime embodies a supreme paradox it would seem. It is superior in some ways to all actual regimes but it has no concrete existence anywhere.
In some instances,these notes are superior to the text There is a reason for it.
However, he's not very superior to everybody else.