If I had lists of lists of lists, then it would only take out the first level of it.
So if you want to take out any books, you have to do so within the next ten minutes.
So I have to take out what I think is the really essential part and cover them in the lecture.
Let's say you have four questions, you have 50 minutes, take out five minutes to read the paper, so that's 45 minutes.
If you didn't really believe you were going to die, that is undergo bodily death, why would you take out life insurance?
They made him take out of the suitcase 'cause "I am the customers' official.
I mean, you should not imagine when I say slaves--just take out of your mind the plantations of the old South, because when you only have one or two slaves, the master is working right alongside them, doing exactly the same work that they are doing, and also instructing them and telling them what's what.
Sabbath Lily But what I want to take out of Sabbath Lily's comment about Haze is this sense of what you look at.
Great, now take out your pencil,
I'm going to take out the two print statements.
I ask everybody in this class to take out a coin.
What we're going to do is take this plasmid, with its promoter gene construct in it and engineer it, to take out the lacZ gene, leaving in the promoter and putting in the protein that we want - the gene for the protein that we want.
Conversations, some of the deepest conversations take place in the quietest spaces or the most out-of-the-way places.
But anyway, this isn't really something you want to have in your soda, so they did take it out eventually.
So that we take very quickly the tedium out of-- what is otherwise-- could be a very repetitive process.
The mere fact of labeling Trans fat had a big impact on the food industry wanting to take it out.