We want one epic cohesive story that we tell the world.
If you stop and think of it as a grammatical question, you say to yourself, "Gee, that's a very good question, isn't it, because, of course, the easiest thing in the world is to tell the dancer from the dance.
And I just have to do this today on the Greco-Roman world, tell you everything you need to know about the Greco-Roman world, at least for this semester.
I'll give you four food companies, and tell me which one you think is the world's largest.
Cases like Capgras are important because they tell us about how we see the world.
This has happened so many times in history that governments around the world now regulate banks and tell them that they have to hold a minimum amount of reserves and have a minimum amount of capital.
I'll tell you, in the south of France near where we live, when there was a lot of resistance in World War II against the Germans, there were some Protestant villages there that were noteworthy for their resistance.
Meaning, why in the world do I have to tell the reader that I'm binding x to the value three? All right?
And I have to tell you something about novels in the ancient world.
But then because children, according to Freud, don't have a good sense of the boundary between their mind and the world, they think their father can tell that they're plotting to kill him and they figure their father is now angry at them.