0 You go from one, which is this wide; then it goes to ten 100 and eventually it's going to go to one hundred.
I make the problem ten times bigger, it takes one more step to do it.
It's much larger than a bacterium, it's ten to 30 microns let's say instead of one to two microns, so almost ten times bigger.
In addition, if we compare this to the diameter of an atom, which is on the order of somewhere between one and ten angstroms, now we're seeing that, in fact, this wavelength is significantly larger than its environment.
They also have government-issued notes and that's from one to ten years and bonds this is just jargon- these are ten or more, well actually more than ten.
We can be precise about how much bigger by saying, "If the acceleration of a body to a given force is ten times that of a one kilogram mass, then this mass is one-tenth of one kilogram."
我们能精确地知道质量能大多少,只需要说,"如果物体在给定力作用下的加速度,是一个 1 千克物体的加速度的 10 倍,那这个物体的质量就是 1 千克的十分之一"