Yeah, I think I'll make that clear line, meaning the... like again, Israeli politics doesn't really, in that case doesn't really break down religiously.
This is by the way--just because one can make this claim and, I think, make it stick in certain cases, doesn't mean that the proposition is any less outrageous.
还要指出的是 就算有人提出了这种理论,有些情况下甚至能说通,并不说明这种说法就能让人接受了。
It doesn't make sense to think that the price of anything would go up if that's all there is to it.
It doesn't really make it any better that you're also going to give amnesia and drive insane somebody else.
Clearly, if I take a chalk like this one here, and I throw it on the ground, and it breaks in little pieces, if I run the movie backwards that doesn't make sense, right?
It has capacities to make things happen in the world that he doesn't know how to control.
Right. So similarly, if you've got one line of code with a semicolon at the end saying, this is the end of the statement, it doesn't really make sense to continue that conversation to try to continue conceptually that puzzle piece with curly braces.
And the glitch that doesn't make sense just through periodic trends, is that it turns out that the ionization energy of boron is actually less than the ionization energy up beryllium.
It's to make sure that my throat doesn't get dry.
Doesn't it make sense then that being sedentary and seeking out high fat, high sugar, high calorie foods has become a priority woven into our biology?
And the answer is that-- yes it won't make a difference to our wellbeing but it also doesn't mean that we cannot increase our level of wellbeing.
It doesn't explain why we make that loud noise when dealing with incongruity.
Because of this my mother used to make Jell-o that had fruit suspended in it, and the fruit doesn't sink to the bottom like you'd expect it to sink through water, but it stays suspended inside.
There is no reference, in any of the tablets-- I don't know how much we can make of that because the tablets limit themselves to such limited kinds of things that maybe it doesn't prove anything, but in this case, I think it does.
He feels like it sort of takes away his innocence as a filmmaker. Then also in the reading, he mentioned that he doesn't believe that you need any film knowledge to make a good movie. You just need an understanding of culture and of human history.
And a lot of the strikes that you see in high schools and in-- I better get to my lecture,but-- you see in high schools and even in middle schools, have to do with the State,somebody saying, well we're going to take away two-hundred teachers in your department, or we're going to maintain a curriculum that doesn't seem to make any sense.
Well, I looked at that and I thought, this doesn't really make a lot of sense.
Investment banks are very different in that a pure investment bank does not accept deposits and it doesn't make loans; it's an underwriter for securities.
He doesn't make that claim.
She says that she has read a little bit of Kafka and "doesn't know what to make of him, but it makes you a bolder writer."
If it doesn't make sense, you'll-- If it doesn't make sense or, more to the point, if it's something that you do that's foolish or makes you look manipulative or cheap, you'll distort it in your head so that it does make sense.
And of course, the hedonist will also hasten to point out that just because we can't do this perfectly or infallibly, that doesn't mean we can't make educated guesses, right?
So that doesn't make a difference for us when we're talking about neutral atoms, 4s because we would fill up the 4 s first, because that's lower in energy until we fill it, and then we just keep going with the d orbitals.
Some of your questions seemed to draw out other things that he doesn't plan to talk about, like what he really did to make money.
So just to reinforce this, I could run gcc math2.c but I'm getting a little tired of this a.out convention and recall that there's this utility called "make" that right now doesn't really improve much, other than give it a better name.
You pretest to make sure that the person doesn't like any M&M more than the other.