I hope you enjoy using Star Festival and do let me know the questions that you are trying to answer.
Some of you already know this, but let me talk about that and then give you my view on it.
Let me start by--the way-- the kind of institution that you probably know relatively little about -or commercial real estate.
As I say, the syllabuses should be accessible on the Classsv2 server; however, I've had problems with that in the past and you should please let me know if it's not.
For example, let me tell you something I know that's going to shock you.
What I would like you to do is to remember this and four years from now, when most of you are ready to graduate, if that one person in here would email me okay?! and let me know who it is, okay?
OK, you've actually seen exceptions a lot, you just didn't know that's what they were, because exceptions show up everywhere in Python. Let me give you a couple of examples.