That they exist is a proof that American ideals are not the tawdry pretenses they are so often accused of being.
For instance, if you look at newspaper reports about murders, in cultures like the United States the report tends to emphasize the personal characteristics of the person accused of the murder.
Good, so in the standard story you've got these two crooks, or two accused crooks, and they're in separate cells and they're being interviewed separately--kept apart--and they're both told that if neither of them rats the other guy out, they'll go to jail for say a year.
在故事里有两个罪犯,他们都被指控了 被分别关进了牢房,他们俩被单独提审,两人都知道如果他们不坦白,他们都要只需要坐一年牢
And Locke was associated with the Shaftsbury Circle who also was forced into exile after being accused of plotting against the English King.
And I, as president of ACLS, was one of the spokespersons for people who believed in the integrity of culture and who were accused of undermining cultural values, religious values, political values.