One of my favorite examples is the colony on the south shore of the Bosporus, which is called Chalcedon.
The American people, well, America used to be a British colony
He was called an Oikistes; he is the found of the colony.
Actually the City of Corinth wouldn't have been taxed because it was a Roman colony, and one of the benefits of being a Roman colony is that you didn't have to pay taxes, or at least the citizens didn't have to pay taxes.
This is also -I keep thinking how British we are; this is New England and this is the United States, a former British colony.
So, I use the word colony because that's what we have for all such establishments of the kind we're talking about.
We know that the first colony that the Greeks established was in the Bay of Naples on the island of Ischia.
Somebody in one of the old Greek cities has to decide that he wants to go out and establish a colony.
Okay, so this gives you some idea of the range of possible relationships between colony and mother city.
That's the very first place where there is a tradition of a Greek colony having been planted.
There's no question that there was a Greek colony there and as I say the archaeological remains confirm the general time for this happening.
The question is who gave permission for a colony to go in the mother city.
What is more typical, I think, is that he thinks, I would like to take and have found a colony on the southeastern coast of Sicily. Why?
But here's how it worked--by the way, the word I have been using, colony is not a Greek word and really not appropriate for what the Greeks are up to.
They established a colony somewhere in the 750's, and soon afterwards,there is a colony established on the east coast of Sicily at what we call Syracuse now, and a rash of others.
Sparta starts at an early point, sends out a colony to southern Italy at some time, probably early, they sent out a colony to an island in the Aegean Sea, Melos, and then they stopped and never sent out another colony.