and then we're going to use the results of the experiment to write a lab report
Now let's think about designing the experiment itself. The goal here, there are two goals. Or more than two.
Last day we looked at Rutherford, Geiger, Marsden and the experiment that they conducted on the gold foil.
They shared fun with firecrackers, which was a disastrous thing which nearly brought the experiment to an end.
The constraint is the constraint of the experiment and the constraint of the experiment is that the enthalpy is constant. So the constraints we have here, is the constant enthalpy.
And the experiment was supposed to go on for two weeks to show what entering a role does.
The experiment was, he would put--the pigeon was in a cage and he'd let the pigeon get pretty hungry -hungry pigeons are not happy pigeons.
So it could be that they think that this is actually-- they haven't understood the experiment and they think this is a multi shot game, not a one shot game, good.
And the challenge that we gave to ourselves is can we do that packaging in such a way that lays a ground work for community learning coming out of people who got involved in looking at the experiment of knowledge updates.
Those of you who have your ping-pong balls can now begin the experiment.
If we did the experiment where on this booster we included not only the initial antigen but some unrelated antigen, the response to the unrelated antigen called B here, looks like a primary response.
But the state of nature, for him, is rather a kind of thought experiment after the manner of experimental science.
But, it's just a speculation. All right, so now, let's get on and talk about the experiment.
And so you have to figure out how to take that randomness out of the experiment.
They would say, "We hired a stooge to act in the following role in the experiment."
What they did was they got subjects to participate in a psychological experiment and the experiment consisted of asking the subjects questions that had quantitative answers, which were always numbers from zero to one hundred.