Things move from one state to another state and then back to the first state.
You don't face any facts. This same damned attitude of not facing facts is what got you into this messy state of mind in the first place, and it can't possibly get you out of it."
In my final slide is a picture of the first indexed bond; this is issued by the State of Massachusetts I actually own this bond.
The first rule of any state is the rule that citizens are not free to set aside the rules, to choose among them which ones to obey and to disobey.
So another way to say that is, in a sense, if we're thinking about the excited state of a hydrogen atom, the first excited state, or the n equals 2 state, what we're saying is that it's actually bigger than the ground state, or the 1 s state of a hydrogen atom.
b Let me just first write it down, the Van der Waals equation of state.
The first wave was in the 1960s and, at that time, Congress had limits-- state governments had limits on the interest that savings banks could pay people on their accounts.
First, the Treaty declared that the individual sovereign state would henceforth become the highest level of authority; you might say, putting an end once and for all " to the universalist claims of the Holy Roman Empire.
So, the third excited state, is n equal to 4, because n equals 2 is first excited, 3 is second excited, 4 is third excited state.
So, for example, we could talk about the n equals 2 state, so that's this state here, and it's also what we could call the first excited state. So we have the ground state, and if we excite an electron into the next closest state, we're at the first excited state, or the n equals 2 state.