And the drama of human life should revolve not around the search for eternal life but around the moral conflict and tension between a good god's design for creation and the free will of human beings that can corrupt that good design.
And why is that? Within the perspective of Milton's free-will theology, sin can't exist as an external reality.
Come, therefore, I will send you to Pharaoh, ] and you shall free my people, the Israelites, from Egypt."
They will be made available free to the public via the internet, so this is a way of allowing the world to benefit from what we all do at Yale.
But still, let me quickly point out why you could resist the argument from free will to the existence of a soul.
The Corinthians are free; they will be violating no law or sacred bond if they say, sorry we really don't feel like doing that.
So to imply that now you can eat all you want, you have an issue to free ticket if you will, some people might consider not the right message.
There's another argument descartes could have made that's a lot less subtle than the ones he did make, which is "That thing responsible for free will and love and consciousness?
Through the dynamics of the counter-plot, the similes reassure us of what Hartman calls the "graceful coexistence of free will and divine providence."
Even though God knew exactly what Adam and Eve would do -that they would eat the fruit -we still have to be able to say that they ate the fruit freely out of their own free will.
This is the pulsating vehicle for his precious theology of free will and for his politics of liberty.
You could make a long list but it might include things Like the capacity for language and higher thought or abstract thought, conscience, self-control, free-will.
The fact that we've got free will is something that most of us take for granted about ourselves.
Now, the subject, free will, is a very, very-- The subject of consciousness is a very complicated.
Hartman's absolutely right to insist that no theological concept is as important to Paradise Lost as free will on the one hand and divine providence on the other.
The similes are for him instrument in the poem's larger agenda to reinforce our faith in the coexistence of free will and divine providence -- difficult, huge concepts.
It rejects the pagan idea of a realm beyond the deity, the source of mythology and magic. The affirmation that the will of God is supreme and absolutely free is a new and non-pagan category of thought".