But vaccines, and particularly in the last hundred years, vaccines have been one of the most important elements in our progress.
So a hundred years really before the invention of Game Theory, someone had figured out this answer for this game.
This is a course that introduces you to the New Testament literature, but also the history of other material from the very first one hundred years or so of early Christianity.
And so they did come back hundred years later and conquered it, and since--this is the link that explains the old story.
One of the stories that is often told is the goldsmith banker's story that goes back I don't know how many hundred years.
This is the best thing that has happened to the violin in the last hundred years.
Now as I mentioned, the title of this piece was originally A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, and it seems actually to have been known by the reading public by this title for a good hundred years or so.
How come these have risen above infectious diseases over the last several hundred years?
We die while it's still the case that living another ten years or twenty years or for that matter five hundred years-- would still or could still have been good for us.
The plan now is to have about a thousand and nine hundred something civilian people on the ground in Afghnastan by New Years Day which is about three times of we had last year.
What they do in this study is they took this cohort of a hundred thousand nurses and then have followed them repeatedly over the years, with very careful assessments of diet, health status, and other things, and countless papers, important papers have been published from this particular cohort.
To become the biggest publishing monolith in the world, it takes maybe a hundred years, so his father in Australia started buying up newspapers.
The last hundred years, in the U.S., don't really have that much predictive power.
The graph is something I showed you on the first day of class, that over the last hundred years in particular, but what's shown on this slide is over the last 300 years.
For example, here in New Haven, we had one created called The New Haven Savings Bank, which lasted for over a hundred years and was taken over.
They have any stock market disruptions in the last one hundred years?