We understand irony only, he means, to the extent to which we are in agreement with the other person.
or it's a moment where you're both feeling opened and available to speak about what the other person looks like.
But they're two individuals who are committed to being with the other person in a respectful, generous, kind manner while disagreeing on some fundamental things.
Because if they work any harder than that, then the other person is just going to slack off instead.
Some of the most important fascinating studies in the field of psychology where a person off the street was told by an experimenter to shock another person, even to the point where the other person is screaming to stop.
maybe you're practicing English with a native speaker and you didn't quite catch what the other person said.
The other person didn't get much right."
Oh, I have worked on a couple of projects where the other person has not done much work.
However, you only use this when the other person has been directly discussing, speaking on a subject.
with someone else who's standing next to you, you're going to sum your numbers together and one of you whoever is fastest probably is going to sit down and the other person is going to take on his or her number, the summation of those numbers; and then you're going to repeat and if you follow the logic here in just a few moments, there should be just one of you very awkwardly standing.
Toward the bottom of the footnote, 731, left-hand column, ust as in conversation, we understand irony to the extent to which we are in agreement on the subject with the other person."
and you want to emphasize that the other person said the very same thing.
to show that you feel what the other person is going through.
if the other person has ever done something or not done something.
you are challenging the other person to consider the alternatives.
and the other person says "it should be painted pink."