It's not so much what's in the proposal as it is that this is the time for reconsideration.
And this has led some readers to suggest that the proposal for philosophers' kings is ironical.
So the proposal that death is a matter of permanent cessation of P-functioning versus temporary, that doesn't seem like it's going to do the trick.
Whatever the proposal is on by anybody, Obama, Clinton or McCain I think it should be consistent And so the question is that ? should you make the tax cuts permanent?
So he says, no one would take seriously the proposal that a human organism learns through experience to have arms rather than wings, or that the basic structure of particular organs results from accidental experience.
I studied the Paulson proposal carefully, since I'm writing a New York Times column about it which will appear Sunday Reading the various commentaries about the proposal I had the impression that not many of them are very--thinking very deeply about it.
The simplest way to express this proposal in a block diagram is that we take sense of this information into the brain.
He would gladly have sacrificed them in order to keep the much more virtuous and pure Lycidas -a gruesome proposal, but it's a gruesome proposal that suggests a primitive desire for a quid pro quo.
Recently, in the Czech Republic, there was a proposal to increase the excise tax on smoking.
The proposal for a level playing field demands, of course, equal education.
That means that the different regulators should each have their own objective, so they have a three-part proposal.
So the secret to personal identity on this new proposal isn't sameness of body, is sameness of personality.
The core of Socrates' proposal for equal education is presented in a context that he knows to be or suggests will be laughable.
And it is here that Socrates turns to his first and perhaps even his most controversial proposal for the establishment of the just city.
Notably, on Monday, the Treasury Department, under Secretary Henry Paulson, announced a proposal for fundamental change in our financial markets.
Here's a different proposal that I think is probably closer to the right account.