All those things we can talk about more as the semester develops, and I hope you will talk to me.
I like to read because it helps me learn about other things I don't know.
And I just enjoy speaking with them about things you fundamentally disagree on. And just for me, I guess, I think we both want to go back in a few years.
There were previous examples of people trying to have a deep wing that would do things, but if you take me back to my primitive phalanx here about 600-650 they're not doing that stuff yet.
I need to spend less time at the office and more time with my family, telling the people that I love that I love them, doing the things that are important to me, spend less time worrying about getting ahead, making money,getting the plasma TV,whatever it is.
And so do these three things, if you don't get an "A" then you can come back and talk to me about it later.
Now, let me take a sidebar for about five minutes to talk about course administration, the administrivia things that we're going to do in the course, just so you know what the rules are.
Let me just also say there are a thousand things to talk about in this novel, so I hope you'll get to some of them in section. And if you want to write about this, it's a very rich novel for writing your papers.
One of the things I think was really useful for me developing just how I think about Israel.
I'm going to ask you to indulge me while I go back to the beginning and talk about some things that you know but I'm going to go through this pretty rapidly.
So tell me about. You have done music, where do these things intersect for you?
Second thing to notice, is that little piece of pseudo code is telling me things about values.
And then I've got some things that get me back out information about them.