We don't have to just stick with carbon, we can think about describing other types of atoms as well using this hybridization.
Well, I think their nickname is Boris Bikes 'cause the mayor Boris Johnson kind of set up the scheme.
It is what you profess. Well, the thesis is also, another way to think of it, an answer to a question.
I think you can see why Areopagitica has been memorialized for centuries now as one of the central precursors, well, to a number of things.
Well, I think I have several responses, all of which are just maybe pieces of responses.
As I said,the rest of the organization of the class I think is pretty well self-evident.
By "difficult," it is meant, I think, well, first of all that it is in some sense set apart from common speech, as a specialized and highly self-conscious use of language.
So if we think about the upper right hand part of the quadrant, well, this is where we're going to have high electron affinity and high ionization energy, so we're also going to see high electronegativity here.
Similarly, though, anybody who says, you should never think about the facts of mortality and the nature of death-- I think that's misguided as well.
Well, erase all of those ideas from your head when you think about the world of Homer,and I would say, the world of Greece in the period we're studying.
This invention of social security is well over one hundred years old, but I think that, because of the rapid advance of information technology, we're going to see a lot more progress.
If history is any indication 72% of the people ; in the theater have no prior programming experience; despite what you may think and despite the fact that some of you may very well be thinking, odds are I know the least about computers than anyone in here, I'm actually a little scared of my computer.
Well, I think that if the great majority of people try to derive maximum utility out of a service, like using cell phones and the convenience that cell phones provide, that sacrifice is necessary for satisfaction to occur.
It would drive us into such baroque circumlocutions and avoidances of the obvious to say, "Oh, social factors have nothing to do with this," that we might as well just sort of--not give the distinction up, because I think it's very important always to have it in the back of our minds.
And there's also I think a museum there, MAD or Museum of Art and Design and it's fairly new as well
Well, you could think about the cell wall of a bacterium as its skeleton, it's what protects it from mechanical forces that are out in the world.
Well it kind of depends on what you think is driving the problem, and each of these things suggest a different level, different types of things you might do.
Then it's sort of...you can get out of hand I think India so far is leaning also towards bringing down barriers and opening their sight of economy as well.
Time. Okay, pitch and time and pitch and duration, excellent, so those are the two dimensions of music and well, indeed we could even call them the axes of music because we tend to think of pitch on a vertical axis.
I think, well, most of my friends online who I interact with online are people who I know through real life, I guess.
Well,I think that's a pretty clear-eyed view,and a clear indictment, of what Kerouac is doing through the character of Sal.