When Mike was a kid of about three years old, he was playing at his parents' garage.
And then you remember that you moved when you were about three years old.
Meanwhile, his youth was going away and now this imaginary student is now thirty-three years old never had time to marry or start a normal life.
I'm three years old. Maybe I don't know what "pulls up" means.
It's just this double bind of vocation that's the subject of Sonnet VII, "How soon hath Time." That's the sonnet in which Milton laments the fact that he has turned twenty-three years old and has yet produced nothing that would indicate a shining poetic future.
There are only three people left in Britain who fought in World War One, only three, and they're about 110-years-old or something like that.
You're three or four years old.
I started talking about what happened in October 1987 and I looked around the room and I realized that I think the students were three or four years old in 1987 and weren't yet reading The Wall Street Journal.