We need to come up with an experiment in which the electron is going to be forced to behave as a wave.
And so, I don't think I really need a special method to come up with ideas.
And in order to stand out, you really need to come up with a much better technology, a much better product, and much better user experiences.
We were given an assignment to come up with an idea of something you'd like to work on.
You just need to come up with a convention that maps the numbers that are very easy for a computer to store.
Mussorgsky sat down and tried to come up with, create a musical response to each of these paintings that were on display.
I keep waiting for somebody-- I think the time is right for somebody to come up with a theory and explain it by global warming.
But in general, it's hard to come up with the really clever algorithm.
So, we now have this new way of thinking about how a nucleus and an electron can hang together, and this is quantum mechanics, and we can use this to come up with a new way to describe our atom and the behavior of atoms.
I'm going to come up with something else.
So we needed to come up with another source, a renewable source, so we turned our attention to embryonic stem cells.
Then, in five years you had to come up with $5,000.
Milton seems to have dug around rather carefully in his copy of the Faerie Queene, and he's come up with this illusion.
But as they grow, you get these legacies, and these guys come in with armies of consultants and the software that you have to rent, and the stuff builds up in your company and then you're kind of stuck.
Come with me now, open up your New Testament as you're just going to look at it, and we're going to go through a rushed little survey, through the New Testament.
The question of why a boy might prefer one sort of sticker, and you might get a different response with a girl, is going to come up later when we discuss different theories of sex differences.