We're continuing to evolve not just as a human rights concept but certainly as nations and our ethical understandings of what is appropriate.
It's interesting that the human rights idea is a concept that continues to evolve? -It does.
People have to evolve to have biology that tolerates the subsistence that they access to, and that varies in different parts of the world, so again, humans evolve.
What we're talking about is literariness--that is to say, certain devices that we can identify that perform a certain function -and maybe out of the identification of these devices, to evolve a theory that's more widespread.
He's going to evolve.
They evolve to become very dense, hard, pustular lesions, which are filled with what turns out to be tissue debris.
Altruism" is the biologists' term meaning kindness,generosity, and evolutionary biologists have worked really hard to explain why animals might evolve to be kind.
What the cold virus does is evolve different strategies to cause it to reproduce.
What the organism, according to Freud, wants to do is evolve toward its dissolution, not to be modified--not, in other words, to be interfered with by everything from external trauma to internal disease.