It's just to make clear, with some emphasis, about the importance of the development of absolute rule.
Not just to enliven these abstract and distant books but to make clear, to bring out what's at stake in our everyday lives, including our political lives, for philosophy.
We don't care at all about corporations-- we should make that clear-- except as they contribute to individual welfare.
And it is not always easy to answer, because sometimes they do not always make their deepest or most fundamental questions altogether clear.
That's the first thing to make sure that is clear.
So just to make that clear, voters vote for the closest running candidate first.
So the job of a good philosopher of his kind is to help make us our ideas clear And to do that, he worked out a logical system.
Okay, now let's make this first battle I'm going to describe for you to be as clear cut as we can make it, and it probably never was like that.
好的 现在,让我们打响第一场战斗,我们做得尽量简洁些,也许事实上的战斗并非是这样
Now I say this not so much to depress the hell out of you, but partly to warn you, and to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.
It points to an exilic date for the work's final composition: that is to say when it was finally redacted, the redactors were in exile, writing for a people living in exile. And the Deuteronomist wants to make it clear that it is fidelity to the Torah, rather than residence in the land that is critically important.
Here it goes in the middle, and if you look carefully there, I didn't really make it clear enough, you can see, suddenly a strategy that looked crazy shooting to the middle, that suddenly started to seem okay.
And if I did this, and again, don't scribble too much in your notes but if we just make it clear what's going on here, I'm actually going to delete these strategies since they're never going to be played I end up with a little box again.
People do need money and they go into business to make money; so let's make it clear, that's what the company is going to do.
I set up a theoretical framework here ... and I wanted to give you-- I mentioned oil because it seems to make it, to me, so clear what we're talking about here.
if you're at X, let's just call you Mr. X, just to make it clear, so Mr. X is the person at position X.