I think that we to motivate a lot of our regulation of financial markets by the kinds of errors that people make.
So just to motivate this a little bit, so there's two reasons why this game is interesting.
The typical example of dilution is: the board of directors has hired a CEO for the company and they want to motivate the CEO.
And I tried to motivate this question by having you think about perhaps the possibility, if the soul view was the truth about personal identity, but imagine a case of complete irreversible amnesia, while nonetheless,it's still your soul continuing.
It's not meant to be more than five, ten minutes of work, but the point of the question, -15, 20 minutes of work, but the point of the question is to motivate people to keep up with the material and do the readings.
I want to motivate regulation in terms of the last lecture.
I think they motivate a lot of what -I'm going to write a number of principles of behavioral finance down and just mention them briefly and then return to regulation.
We gave shares to almost all of our employees as part of their compensation and we hoped that would motivate them and make them feel a part of the company but we never paid them a dividend.