After all, how can it be appropriate to disregard, to put out of your mind, facts?
When the store, um, when the clothes get to the store, I put it out,
And I'm just wondering how you respond to that, what is the response of you, because of the pain of the world, and because somehow it is irresponsible to put out art that is not beautiful.
Different bishops in different major cities and different councils would sometimes try to decide, and they'd put out decrees.
One of the perhaps easiest ones to put your finger on is what if the computer is out of memory?
But these are just illustrations that come out of the Thirty Years' War, which people are trying to put behind them.
If we have a higher z effective, it's pulled in tighter, we have to put in more energy in order to eject an electron, so it turns out that that's why case 2 is actually the lowest energy that we need to put in.
You've got to pretty much take that chalk, and make a slurry out of it, put water, and dry it back up, put in a mold, and then you can have the chalk again, but you can't just glue it back together.
So, I wrote some very simple software to receive an email from my BlackBerry and then send it out to an email list of some people I put on that list, with my friends and my family on it.
Probably the best answer is our body is worn out during the day and sleep is necessary to put it back into shape.
Let's put ourselves in Hannibal's shoes and try and figure out what Hannibal's going to do here.
I put this chart out to just show the international aspect of home prices.
I guess Apollo must have then said, he's reached wisdom and so he sent a rain storm to put the fire out and he lived through that.
Well, one of the things wars did, most people not seemed to have noticed, is that it took 12 million men out of the civilian labor force and put them in uniforms.
I think the easiest way to look at what this does, is let's take a really simple example- I want to make sure I put the right things out- I've got a simple little list of values there.
It's one of the purposes of this poem to allow Milton to grow out of his infancy, to incarnate or to put actually into words the talent that he believes himself to possess.