To get the best fitting line, you find the line that minimizes the sum of squared distances.
Play every kind of music. Listen... I would say the best advice is, listen to music you don't like.
One of the things you want to realize is, there is no best language.
If you want to seek the fullness of a human experience, you have to try to be the best possible man,the greatest possible man to compete successfully against others and to achieve fame,glory, and recognition.
.. It's one thing to have-- it's not to say that the best-- if you want your life to be like the plot of a great story, it's not as though you think, " "All right, the denouement must occur at the very last page."
You've got to think about what they mean, and that's one of the best things about physics because here's a person who is not looking for anti-particles.
The idea was to think of a strategy that is the best you can do, given your belief about what the other people are doing: what your opponents are doing, what other players are doing.
That's a little bit of a tricky question but-- So, do the best you can on it and think-- try to think about what this kind of theory would imply for gambling behavior.
where you will be able to hear more performances of the best jazz that radio has offered
So you have to think, first of all, what you want the best for yourself, and in food , in other things, too.
So until next time,I invite you to think that question through If you're trapped into the prospect of immortality ? what would the best kind of immortal life be like?
What about the fact that-- We said there's a family of arguments, all of which have the general structure, inference to the best explanation, you need souls in order to explain feature F. Plug in a different feature F and you get a new argument.