they were thrilled to see the subway station, the train station because they notice right way it didn't look like the train station that they are familiar with and they could see the little shops in the background.
and where I'm actually going, it's about 10 minutes from the train station in Brussels.
Anyway, they said, look you go to any train station and there are these red caps or porters and they'll carry your suitcase for you.
Shigeru We will be doing it as we travel with Shigeru through different points going to the train station or from the train station on the bus, looking to see how it was the same as it used to or how it's different from what they know.
It takes place in small rooms. If you begin to think about it, you can almost see the set changes: in the diner, on the train station. That's about the most open place, on the train platform. That's about the most open place we see.
Jean in Bordeaux, to the train station, to be shipped off to the east; but, he did very well, he became a minor Gaullist official, and he did very well, and they finally caught up with him.
We have to get to the train station before terrorists blow it up.
I've been at the train station for over an hour.