You can always count on seeing tourist on the train with an American Girl bag or an American Girl box
they were thrilled to see the subway station, the train station because they notice right way it didn't look like the train station that they are familiar with and they could see the little shops in the background.
That's why I started with a spacial example: the train and move to the temporal example: the car.
And then furthermore "ship" is also the opposite of certain things, so that it would also enter into a relationship with "train," "car," "truck," "mule," modes of transportation, right?
Shigeru We will be doing it as we travel with Shigeru through different points going to the train station or from the train station on the bus, looking to see how it was the same as it used to or how it's different from what they know.
For example,to have--to give the impression of being provincial with-- like you just arrived at the train from Brittany in Gare Montparnasse, and you're just so totally out of it and then that's all you want to do, and you're sort of clueless.
Now we continue with the train for a bit.
Should we say as we might say with the train.