When you call a function, what actually happens is that function gets its own chunk of memory that's identical in size to the data type that it expects.
You have to be ever so explicit as to what data type your actually passing in.
Associated with every data type in Python is a type, which identifies the kind of thing it is.
String is actually not a data type in C. It actually is something called a char star and we'll come back to this before long.
So we talked about Mr. Bool briefly last week in this idea of true or false, but in C, you don't have a Boolean data type.
And I don't quite remember from reading or from class how big these things are, well, it turns out -- and this is sometimes useful, later on more likely than now -- but C has a size of operator that takes an argument in parenthesis and it will tell you how much space is used to store that particular data type.