She remains part of the household of her father, and she's legally under the control of her father probably, or her brothers, if her father is dead; or her grandfather if her grandfather is still alive.
The church shouldn't be under the control of the bishops -this is Milton's argument -or prelates, a common seventeenth-century word for bishops, but the church should be led by preachers: men who were chosen by their congregations to preach.
There is a palace economy, there is a script, there is a bureaucracy, and there is collectivized agriculture under the central control of the economy.
What caused it? It was caused maybe it's oversimplifying it it was caused by a change in our resolve to let's get inflation under control - and a willingness to accept the recession to stop the advance of inflation.
The economic health of this country in the long run will be dependent on the economic health of the treasury, of our fiscal situation and we can't get that under control until we get the entitlement crisis under control.
At least since the eighteenth century, these lines have been singled out for their beauty and, considering that Milton is describing the hideous demons under Satan's control, the pastoral elegance of this little simile really catches us off guard.
Well, the people who the Romans called barbarians destroyed the Western empire and it also the destroyed the power of the emperors and their efforts to impose religious and political conformity under imperial control.