So, if we hybridize just these three orbitals, what we're going to end up with is our s p 2 hybrid orbitals.
If you want to have an infinitestimally small change, you end up writing dh is dq sub p.
At this point, we have no other choice but to double up before going to the next energy level, 2px so we'll put a second one in the 2 p x.
We'll finish that up, and then we're going to move on to talking about the p orbitals.
px 2py So we need to fill all the way up to the pi 2 p x, and the pi 2 p y.
There's no more 2 p orbitals to put it into, so we're going to actually have to double up.
if we move up one of our electrons into an empty p orbital, what were going to see is now we have three unpaired electrons that are ready for bonding.
Now we're going to start in with that pi 2 p orbitals, which gives us 1 each, and then two each in those, we'll go up to our sigma 2 p z orbital.
So, our two glitches we see when we go from the 2 p, or from 2 s to start filling the 2 p, and then we also get another glitch when we've half-filled the 2 p, and now we're adding and having to double up in one of those p orbitals.
And now we get the p orbitals, remember we want to fill up 1 orbital at a time before we double up, so we'll put one in the 2 p x, then one in the 2 p z, and then one in the 2 p y.
And if we hybridize these orbitals in carbon, what we end up with is having two hybrid orbitals, and then we're going to be left with two of our p orbitals that are each going to have an electron associated in them.
That's equivalent to doing the integral, and so, what we end up getting is that the reversible work v2 pdv is equal to minus integral V1, V2, p dV.
So if we don't have to hybridize one of the p orbitals, we can actually end up with a lower energy situation, because now these s p 2 orbitals are 1/3 s character, and only 2/3 p character, instead of 3/4.
So essentially, we have two ethene or ethylene molecules here to start with where these blue are our 2 s p 2 hybrid orbitals, so you can see that for each carbon atom, one is already used up binding to another carbon atom.
But it doesn't actually cost as much energy as you might think, because in this s orbital here we have a paired electron situation where we're moving up to a p orbital where the electron is no longer paired, so it won't feel quite as much electron repulsion, but nonetheless, this is going to cost us energy.
So if we still have an angle of a 109 . 5 degrees, and again, we still have four unpaired electrons available for bonding, we can make one of those bonds with another s p 3 hybridized carbon, so we're going to make up one pair here.