And from each of these individual parts, well, you very likely come out with a very impressive whole.
Because if it's irreversible, it's very likely that I don't know what the pressure inside the system is doing while this is happening.
I can certainly try to write the number 13 there, but bam, my program very likely will crash if this chunk of memory was not given to me previously by the operating system and maybe it is owned by the operating system.
Okay, you're right to shout out because I'm very-- I mean doing it on the board i'm very likely to make mistakes, but okay.
High potentials through this period of time are very likely to leave.
We may not accept their answers and it's very likely that we do not but their questions are often put with a kind of unrivaled clarity and insight.
If you had five slaves and a good piece of land in Alabama in 1820, you might very likely have fifty slaves and a hell of a lot more land a decade later.
If inequality is morally objectionable, then it's very likely we're going to think it's morally horrendous that there's this crucial inequality: some of us die a the age of 5 while others get to live to 90.
In general, if you're watching an action movie and there's a car chase and the trucks and cars are crashing all over the place, and let's say a Budweiser truck shows up in the scene somehow, well people are very likely paying for that.
It's very deep within the brain and if it gets damaged you could— you are likely to die.
Either there will be nobody there or more likely there will be not a very big population, and it's not very tough, and they could be easily brushed aside.
If you have an isobaric you're going to have to calculate where the energy changes, and that's a calculation that's likely on the homework and very like on an exam as well, too.
I'm more likely to kill you if you're very far away than if you're close.
I should warn you again that I'm very likely to make mistakes when I'm doing this kind of thing, so please catch me I do.
if I think it's more likely than this crossing point Y I think it's very likely they're going to choose Right.
If you can kick the ball very hard, but not very accurately, then if you try and shoot to the left or right, you're slightly more likely to miss.
They are engaged in raising livestock, which in Greece is more likely to be sheep and goats than cattle, but also breeding horses, which is very important for the aristocracy for carrying on warfare.