So, indeed, we are talking about a lot of void and a tiny little bit of extremely dense being.
You can't just say it once. You have to try to fill that void by saying it two times and by invoking his father a third time.
He described the physical world as the integral of void plus being.
When God began this process of creating the heaven and the earth, And the earth was unformed and void, And his wind was on the surface of the deep and so on, He said, "Let there be light and there was light."
void Let me go ahead and just to be a little anal add void there.
The answer given to Eragon,Everyone dies alone,Eragon, whether you are a king on a battlefield or a lowly peasant lying in bed among your family, " no one can accompany you into the void?
Being and void, being and void, so now I've got my plus two little projectile coming in, and plus two zooms right through.
void >> Why does it say void too often?
void So here, I say void.
But it's the really correct way to specify that this function takes no arguments is to actually write this key word "void."
Right. So main calls foo, foo is declared, but wait a minute, void foo void I need my prototype; so void foo, void.
And, in between, there is void, which is very similar to how we would describe vacuum.
the earth being unformed and void," the wind of God sweeping over the deep.
In C, the truly correct way is to be very pathantic and say, ; nothing is coming into this function; void so I'll explicitly say, void here.
void Now there's a whole lot of foo and a whole of void here, but this is consistent with the lessons thus far today.
> So void, again, is my way of saying swap does not return anything.
- And, in fact, let's see -- -- don't do this at home or on our systems -- but let me go ahead and do nano don't do this dot C. Let's go int main ahead and do int main void.
void foo It's appropriate to make fun.
void Now void, we've seen void before.
I say, void to specify no input.
> Why does it say void swap?
You say void and that's the convention. Yeah.