This is a little file I created, all right, and I'm going to start with a sequence of these things and walk them along, again I invite you to put comments on that handout so that you can follow what we're going to do. All right?
where if I have any questions on any subject, I can just walk in and ask him and he'll,
You walk in the front door, Christ in majesty -on the left side are the damned writhing and on the right side are the blessed looking a good deal happier.
Problem Set One will be posted on the course's website tonight by 7:00 p.m. It will very clearly walk you through the week's challenges.
You can't just walk out on the results of your own hankerings.
And so, we walk that distance from Pierson College down to the York Street Gate, over to Chapel Street, make the left on Chapel Street, another block down to High walk into the Starbuck's.
On the Walk of Fame, you're going to find Drew Barrymore's star in front of the Chinese theatre.
If you walk into a class with 5th graders, who on day one are years behind where they should be and hate school and are kind of like to hate you because of it.
I mean, like I said, it's a really nice place to walk around on a Sunday.
there's some pretty nice areas to walk around up there over on the hillside, so.
So walk around the park, and then on Saturday at noon, everyone's like,
I'm a Yale college student, for the purposes of this thought experiment and I live in Pierson because I need to walk a great distance to Chapel Street, to the Starbuck's on Chapel Street.
all the stars that you see here on the Walk of Fame