But I choose to walk, and just walking in the seasons whether it's snowing or raining, or gorgeous sunny fall day.
And even more scary than that, a friend of mine is married, and his wife was walking to church one morning.
So I have that experience in great mountain vistas and I had that experience walking by myself in the institute woods in Princeton.
And if I'm walking down the list, this is probably order of the length of the list s because I'm looking at each element once.
Walking is something you can do with others, in the sense that it can be a joint activity,a joint undertaking.
The idea of a "code walkthrough" refers to the process of walking through your code verbally or visually with or without other people.
You have those shower moments or you're walking at midnights in some town in New York City and you've got this amazing brand-new ideas.
That'll stop you walking out early if you want to win the prize.
I remember walking around the square during mu lunch hour, walking faster and faster trying to get around, four or five different classes of kids, all of whom were verbally abusive to me, and feeling there was no place that I belong there was no place that I felt connected to other kids.
We were on the roof of America and all we could do was yell I guess across the night, eastward over the plains where somewhere an old man with white hair was probably walking towards us with the word and would arrive any minute and make us silent.
who is on the streets in New York and she got mugged because she was walking alone at late at night,
taking a bus into Manhattan and going into the museum. And what I just recall is walking around like this.
He jumped from table to table, eating standing up--he didn't like to sit down very much, his back hurt--; or walking around.
So, imagine the pig has a heavy collar and to reward the pig for walking forward you might remove the heavy collar.
Then that's not a very long distance, probably easily walkable in a few minutes; but that child can't be walking through everybody's yard.
You have to imagine they're moving along quicker than you would by walking, so that they will go bang and we can see what happens.