And what we find out is the wavelength of a Matsuzaka fastball is 1.1 times 10 to the -31 meters.
De Broglie, 1924, in his PhD thesis says if an electron has wavelike properties this would be its wavelength.
So there was a good question in Wednesday's class about the de Broglie wavelength and if it can actually go to infinity.
But de Broglie has told us that the wavelength is related to the instant velocity through this formula.
And especially when we consider it, what tends to be important is the size of wavelength in relationship to its environment.
And if the distance between the wall and the dam was large in comparison to the wavelength then what happens?
So, if we're trying to figure out the wavelength of a Matsuzaka fastball, we need to consider the velocity first, which is 42 miles per hour.
So really what we'll probably do is instead either give you the wavelength or the frequency and you'll go ahead and calculate the energy from there.
And then since we have my red laser pointer, we will also try with the red laser pointer, which is centered at wavelength of 700 nanometers.
So once we cover it, it will then be fair game to ask these photoelectron spectroscopy or these photoelectric effect questions using the wavelength of the electron.
If we have a high frequency, what about the wavelength, long or short? All right. Good. So we should always be able to keep these relationships in mind.
If you're really into it and you're at MIT, maybe you want to know the wavelength of these average fastballs. So, let's go ahead and look at that.
So, similarly in a case where instead we have a small energy difference, we're going to have a low frequency, which means that we're going to have a long wavelength here.
Well, if I go through that, the wavelength of such a photon is going to be so big that I am back to measuring the dimension of the human hair with the yardstick.
I would think that it would approach inifinity, and I would need to think about it and get back to you in terms of why we don't actually hit it and see something with an infinite wavelength.
And the relationship that he put forth is that the momentum is equal to Planck's constant times nu divided by the speed of light, or it's often more useful for us to think about it in terms of wavelength.
I would expect, whether you're a Red Sox fan or not, you to be able to look at a list of different pitchers and their average velocity for their fastball, and tell me who has the longest or the shortest wavelength.
It's always good when we're looking for a wavelength that our answer is in a unit of length, that's a good sign already.
So, let's see what the correct answer is, Wakefield and it is, in fact, Wakefield, right, because there's an inverse relationship between how fast a particle is going and what its wavelength is.
So, if we do this calculation for an electron, saying it moves at 10 to the 5 meters per second, then what we end up with for a wavelength is 7 times 10 to the -9 meters.
If this distance is large in comparison to the wavelength, this dam simply casts a shadow.
What de Broglie is saying we can know the wavelength of any matter at all, as long as we know its mass and it's velocity.
They got some number that looks like for the wavelength they got the distance from here to Chicago, and they are going to drag that through the whole calculation.
And we want to divide all of that by our wavelength, and to keep our units the same we'll do meters.
Just remembering that violet is the end that actually has the shortest wavelength, which means that it also has, of course the highest frequency.
So that would probably be de Broglie's answer for why, in fact, we're not observing the wavelength behavior of material on a day-to-day life.
So, let's say we're talking about the baseball, have a wavelength of the baseball that's on the order of the baseball.